Dünya çapında etkinlikler
18th Asia-Pacific Conference of German Business 2024 (APK 2024)
Etkinlik dili
Please refer to the official website.
Etkinlik başlangıcı
2024-10-24 · 19:30
Etkinlik sonu
2024-10-26 · 18:00
India Standard Time

October 24 - 26, 2024 in New Delhi


The 18th Asia-Pacific Conference of German Business 2024 (APK 2024) will be held in New Delhi, India on October 24 - 26, 2024, commencing with a welcome reception on the evening of October 24, 2024.

This Biennial event is the leading networking event in the Asia-Pacific region, attracting political and business leaders from Germany and the region. The conference will be chaired by APA Chairman, Roland Busch, and Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, Robert Habeck.

The APK is jointly organised by the Asia-Pacific Committee of German Business (APA), the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Action (BMWK), and the German Chambers of Commerce Abroad in Asia-Pacific.

For information on the details and registration, visit the official website.

APK 2024 flyer (PDF)

APK 2024 official website

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